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I'm Cathy

your webclass host

You know, I used to feel so lost and lonely with the "big questions" like: "Who am I? What do I want from life? Where do I belong? And what are my goals?". I tried to fit into "normal" society as a psychologist, but it just wasn’t for me. I knew I needed a change!

I found a business opportunity that allowed me to work online while prioritising myself and my personal development. That was when it clicked: I need the time, location, and financial freedom this business offers to create a life true to who I am and to find the answers to those big questions.

Now, I’m on a mission to create a movement of people who are awake. People who won’t settle for a life they don’t align with. Who want to find their true purpose, figure out who they are, and what sets their hearts on fire. Who want to make an impact by contributing to a better world while experiencing life to the fullest.

I guide people who feel like I did to start online too. I empower motivated action-takers to change their lives, find themselves, and make an impact along the way.

Here's what you will learn about in my webclass:

In this training, I'll dive into key information that will explain everything you need to know for now.

  • ​The power of the online world.  Welcome to the new era, the key to your freedom.
  • What I am doing and how you can do it as well.
  • Your support network! Meet Unfold your Freedom. On your own - but not lonely.
  • The next steps from here to be a bit closer to your goals than you were yesterday.

"We are Free Humans, worthy of freedom and determined not only to remain so but to help others gain their freedom as well."

This opportunity could also be the right one for you,
if you want to:
Decide where you work, and when you work 

- your phone and laptop are all you need to make an income.

Be free to travel, volunteer, and work on projects that you care about.

Afford the lifestyle of your dreams: live in your dream destination, eat the organic food you love, and explore the world on your own terms.

Be supported by likeminded entrepreneurs all around the world who are on a similar path to create freedom & impact.

Build a purposeful, automated business that’s focused on health, sustainability & creating solutions for others.

That's what's possible here, and that's what Unfold your Freedom is about. We're a global community that's focused on helping people and creating world change. 

Everyone has the ability to create this freedom for themselves, it’s just a matter of whether you are willing or not to take the steps to change your life!

And if you're looking for the support to get your journey started - you're in the right place: we're here to help you Unfold YOUR Freedom! 

  How do I know if this is for me?

So, here you are, and it's not by chance. There's a reason you've found yourself on this page. Perhaps you sense a void in your life or you want to escape from a less-than-ideal situation.

Ever wondered, "Is this really all there is?"
The feeling that there must be more to life, right?!

Whether you're here dreaming of a full-time adventure around the world or desiring more moments at home with loved ones—family, pets, or just yourself. Maybe it's about saying 'yes' to every birthday, party, or holiday without that nagging thought, "Can I actually get time off?"

If any of this has crossed your mind, then you're in the right place!

  How do I get started?

You're at the beginning of your journey right now!

In the webclass, we introduce you to our educational training platform, laying out everything you need to kickstart and establish a thriving online business.
It's all right in front of you!

  What if I don't have ANY experience?

Don't worry, you can get started from scratch!

Our training platform is crafted for everyone, regardless of your starting point. Whether you're building your online business from the ground up or expanding existing knowledge, as long as you're eager to learn, you've found your spot!
Ready to jump in?

  When can I quit my job?

Hold on a second!

I get it, making this happen is super important to you right now.
But, it's a good idea to stick with your job a bit longer!

Put your money into your business, learn and earn more.

Most people leave their regular jobs in 1-2 years.
How soon that happens depends on how hard you work!
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